Exciting Opportunities for Young Volunteers at the Proposed New Ozone Café

Ozone Cirencester is looking for volunteers to help establish and run the new Ozone Café at Kingshill Skate Park in Cirencester.

After consulting with young people in the town, Ozone has decided to change the way youth services are provided to best meet the needs of the young people of Cirencester. The Ozone Youth Club, previously held at the Impact Centre in Lewis Lane has stopped and work has been focussed on the innovative idea of the Ozone Café. This has included forming the Ozone Youth Partnership.

The Ozone Café will be based at the skate park in Cirencester and will deliver youth services to young people as well as operating a café for young people and parents visiting the site. Volunteers will have the opportunity to learn important life and work skills including customer service skills and retail skills; it is also hoped that accredited training will be offered, for example food hygiene and health and safety.

The recently formed Ozone Youth Partnership has been working to develop the idea into reality and includes representation from the Cirencester Town Council, Cirencester Community Development Trust, Cirencester College, The Churn Project and Decimal Skatestore.

Young volunteers are required, as well as adults and young adults who are willing to volunteer as assistants or mentors.  Opening times of the café are yet to be confirmed and will be decided once volunteers have found, the aim is to open during the Easter School Holidays.  It is hoped that the café will be open from March to October most days for a selected period of time. Saturday and Sundays will be the most important days for the café to open due to the increase in visitors at these times.

There are a number of volunteers’ options on offer including being part of a Youth Project Team, working alongside Clare Bartlett, Youth Support Officer and the Cirencester Town Council Team to establish the café working with the users of the skate park to ensure the services provided by the hub are what they require and helping to run the café.

Clare Bartlett, Youth Support Officer with Cirencester Town Council said “Having a permanent fixture at the skate park will enable us to engage with a wide range of young people and families.

The skate park is a flag ship for Cirencester and the one thing missing is a café, it would provide a service to visitors and help to stop anti social behaviour whilst providing valuable opportunities for young people in Cirencester to gain work based skills that they can use in the future.  The idea is supported by Watermoor C of E School and the local Police team”.

If you are interested in any of the above positions or would like more information or an application form to volunteer, please contact Clare Bartlett by emailing [email protected].  Ozone Youth Partnership will also be represented at the forthcoming Youth Market on the 22nd March and will be giving a presentation at Cirencester College on the 29th March.  Application forms will be available at both these events and interviews will be held in April.

Volunteers for the café must be over 16 and be willing to attend relevant training to enable the hub to operate effectively. Volunteers for the Project Team must be over 13.

Regular updates and other useful information to support young people can be found via the Youth Partnership’s social media accounts; Twitter: @Ozoneciren and Facebook @Cirencester.Ozone.